- Creating a responsive navbar
A SSH Tunnel allows you to send traffic to a remote machine through another machine. I often use this to access instances on another network which my desktop can not see.
Let's open a tunnel on our port 9009 which will reach port 443 on a remote machine
- ssh -L 9009:localhost:443 root@
- This will open port 9009 on our local host and direct traffic on 9009 to port 443 on the remote machine
Generally I need to go further and use a remote machine as a gateway to reach another machine, so I'll open up a tunnel on the remote machine as well:
- ssh -t -t -L 9009:localhost:9009 root@foo.example.com 'ssh -L 9009:localhost:443 root@'
- With this port 9009 on localhost will redirect to 9009 on foo.example.com which will redirect to 443 on
- Atom
- https://atom.io/
- Enabling vim-mode
- apm install vim-mode
- apm install ex-mode
- then restart Atom
- Enable Preview Tabs
- Packages -> Settings View -> Manage Packages
- Search 'tabs'
- Click 'settings'
- Enable 'Use Preview Tabs'
Useful frontend components:
- Perfect Scrollbar
- http://noraesae.github.io/perfect-scrollbar/
- ember-cli addon: https://www.npmjs.com/package/ember-perfectscroll
Layout Tools:
- http://bootstrapstudio.io/
Bootstrap Example Links:
- http://bootsnipp.com/
- http://tutorialzine.com/2015/06/12-time-saving-bootstrap-examples/
- Example Form Layouts
- http://www.bootply.com/iCouKp774i
- Navigation Examples
Example Progress Step Bars:
Example flipping a box on click
- Online book: Front-end Handbook
- https://www.gitbook.com/book/frontendmasters/front-end-handbook/details
Collection of articles on ember.js that have helped me learn:
- Good Resources for learning Ember
- Ember Addons
- http://www.emberaddons.com/
- Explanation of 'Data Down Actions Up' pattern
- https://emberway.io/ember-js-goodbye-mvc-part-1-21777ecfd708#.n3y620b1a
- Ember.js Components
- http://www.programwitherik.com/ember-js-components-examples/
- Typeahead Component
- https://github.com/aupac/ember-aupac-typeahead
- Ember Data
- http://www.toptal.com/emberjs/a-thorough-guide-to-ember-data
- Good example of: "has_many :users through: :ownerships or Representing Intermediate Models"
- Section on using EmbeddedRecordsMixin for many-to-many
- Calling non-standard REST APIs with ember-data
- Promise/RSVP articles
- http://www.barelyknown.com/blog/2014/12/14/understanding-ember-data-and-rsvp-promise-chaining
- Examples Ember Apps
- See -> https://gist.github.com/rwjblue/8816372
- See https://github.com/EmberSherpa/open-source-ember-apps
- At time of writing this post I explored Ember 2.2.x apps below
- git clone https://github.com/szines/contacts-app-client.git
- git clone https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost.git
- git clone https://github.com/ember-cli/ember-twiddle.git
- git clone https://github.com/HospitalRun/hospitalrun-frontend.git
- https://github.com/gaslight/mastering-ember
- Ember Workshop
- User Auth
- Article on injecting currentUser into routes/controllers:
- Questions/Problems
- Sub-components and actions not bubbling up automatically
- http://discuss.emberjs.com/t/sub-component-action-not-bubbling-up/6739/7
- Closure Actions
- http://emberjs.com/blog/2015/06/12/ember-1-13-0-released.html#toc_closure-actions
- How to call an action on a route using closure actions
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31101296/how-to-call-an-action-on-a-route-using-closure-actions
- What should a REST API return for ember-data
- Helped me fix a problem with PUT/POST where I was returning plural in http-mocks, should have been singular.
- http://discuss.emberjs.com/t/what-should-an-api-compatible-rest-server-return/779
- Binding element attributes in a template
- https://guides.emberjs.com/v2.2.0/templates/binding-element-attributes/
- Examining a select box with Ember 2.0
- http://balinterdi.com/2015/08/29/how-to-do-a-select-dropdown-in-ember-20.html
- https://gist.github.com/rtablada/280778b093768172cf43
- Bootstrap active links with <li active=true>{{link-to}}</li>
- set parent <li> to be active with a child {{link-to}}
- Issue is that ember will mark the {{link-to}} active for you for free based on the router, but bootstrap styling wants the parent, the <li> to be set to active.
- You could do a {{link-to tagName="li"}} this 'works'...but styling is broken since bootstrap expects "li > a"
- So..we need a solution of setting 'active' on the parent <li> based on the active attribute of the child <a> (<a> is {{link-to}}
- ember-cli-active-link-wrapper
- Scroll to top of page on each ember route
- Components
- Building an auto-complete component
- Notes/Checklist for building your own component
- General Ember Blogs
- Conference Talks
- EmberConf 2015 Opening Keynote
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o12-90Dm-Qs&feature=youtu.be&t=47m21s
- Screencasts
- Podcasts:
- Helpers:
- Ember Truth Helpers (provides 'eq' helper)
- https://github.com/jmurphyau/ember-truth-helpers
- Javascript Links
- Javascript Inheritance, Prototypal Inheritance
- https://medium.com/javascript-scene/common-misconceptions-about-inheritance-in-javascript-d5d9bab29b0a#.8c0vwyqi3
- Wizard
- AddOns
- Testing:
- Ember CLI Mirage
- Asset Compilation with ember-cli
- What is Ember.K
- http://ember.zone/what-the-hell-is-ember-k/
- Making methods safe to call in the event that they might be undefined at the time of calling.
- Providing hooks for subclasses to implement in a safe way.
- Creating stand in action event handlers until you are ready to implement the necessary logic, and avoid Ember.js throwing an error.
- Creating a closure action on a nested component
- On the template
- {{my-component saveAction=(action 'saveControllerAction')}}
- Assumes 'saveControllerAction' is an action defined on the controller.
- saveControllerAction() calls this.send('saveRouteAction', this.get('model'))
- It's important the action name is different between controller and router, if they are same you run into a circular reference and will stack overflow.
create role pguser with superuser login password 'test';
Notes from working with:
- Create new rails app
rails new backend -T -d postgresql cd backend
- Edit Gemfile and be sure the below is included
gem "grape" gem "grape-active_model_serializers" gem "grape-swagger-rails" group :development do gem "better_errors" gem "meta_request" gem "quiet_assets" gem "spring" gem "rails-erd" # Generates a Entity Relationship Diagram end group :development, :test do gem "capybara" gem "capybara-screenshot" gem "database_cleaner" gem "factory_girl_rails" gem "faker" gem "poltergeist" gem "pry-nav" gem "pry-rails" gem "pry-stack_explorer" gem "pry-theme" gem "rspec-rails" gem "rubocop" gem "shoulda-matchers" gem "spring-commands-rspec" gem "annotate" # Annotates model classes with comments of db fields end
- Install the dependencies
bundle install
- Edit credentials for database, config/database.yml
- Run some generators
bundle exec rails generate rspec:install bundle exec spring binstub --all bundle exec rake db:create db:migrate db:seed
bundle exec rails generate model contact first_name:string last_name:string email:string title:string
default: &default
adapter: postgresql
host: localhost
username: pguser
password: test
Example from original blog post:
Creating a new ember-cli app with Bootstrap
- Install ember-cli
sudo dnf install nodejs npm npm install -g bower npm install -g phantomjs npm install -g ember-cli
- Create new ember application
ember new $NAME cd $NAME npm install bower install
- Install 'bootstrap'
bower install --save-dev bootstrap
- Add bootstrap dependency to Brocfile.js
app.import('bower_components/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css'); app.import('bower_components/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min.js');