A SSH Tunnel allows you to send traffic to a remote machine through another machine. I often use this to access instances on another network which my desktop can not see.
Let's open a tunnel on our port 9009 which will reach port 443 on a remote machine
- ssh -L 9009:localhost:443 root@
- This will open port 9009 on our local host and direct traffic on 9009 to port 443 on the remote machine
Generally I need to go further and use a remote machine as a gateway to reach another machine, so I'll open up a tunnel on the remote machine as well:
- ssh -t -t -L 9009:localhost:9009 root@foo.example.com 'ssh -L 9009:localhost:443 root@'
- With this port 9009 on localhost will redirect to 9009 on foo.example.com which will redirect to 443 on